Welcome to the 4th joint franco-british meeting of Neuroendocrinology


The neuroendocrinologists in Bordeaux have the honor to organize in 2021 the 4th joint meeting between the SNE (French Society for Neuroendocrinology) and the BSN (British Society for Neuroendocrinology).

The congress will last 3 full days, from the 22nd to the 24th of September 2021, and will be entirely online. The scientific program elaborated by both the SNE's and BSN’s scientific committees includes 4 plenary lectures and 4 symposia. The objective of the meeting is to highlight the recent advances in Neuroendocrinology with the best specialists in the field.

Young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work either through a short oral communication or during one of the three poster sessions of our meeting. The best posters and oral communications will be selected for a special prize. Young researchers will also have the opportunity to discuss with Journal editors, established senior and junior researchers and researchers from private companies through a speed networking event.

Dr Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja (CNRS, Paris) will give a public conference in French about endocrine disruptors and health on Wednesday the 22nd, at 6.30 pm.

Although virtual,  we are preparing social events to get together, to learn about Bordeaux in an amusing way and to win bottles of Bordeaux wine ! 

We hope that when possible you will take some time to visit Bordeaux and its region to discover its vineyards, chateaux and history. Did you know that Bordeaux was part of the English crown for three centuries after Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry II of England in 1152?

We hope to see you all next September!


Marie-Pierre Moisan for the organization committee





Virtual meeting

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